Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Desert of the Skeletons (full documentary) Essay

Desert of the Skeletons (full documentary) - Essay Example Women cover their body with thick reddish cream and wash their hair with ash. People bath only once in their lives before getting married; this fact is disappointing from the western point of view because people care about high hygiene standards. The Himba live in small huts made of clay, branches and other available materials. They move across the desert according to the season in order to get enough water for their cattle to survive. All in all, this movie reveals the fact that not all people accept the changes of the world. Bushmen and the Himba prefer to hide from the rest of the world and follow their traditional way of life. The influences of globalization are obvious even in their tribes; some of hunters wear snickers. The survival skills of these people are amazing; they know all edible plants and animal species in their area. Their respect to their tradition is very relevant for other people to understand how people lived before the civilization. This movie inspires to read more about indigenous peoples to understand their customs at least a little better. Also, Bushmen people can teach other nations how to live in harmony with their

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